Thursday, 7 May 2015

Motivation types

  What is intrinsic motivation ?

intrinsic motivation is within an individual .  Intrinsic is an Internal desires to complete a task , people do  Certain activities because it gives them pleasure and they can lear a lot of things from it . 

What is a example of intrinsic motivation 
An example of a intrinsic motivation is if a person has tried to attempt a skill in football for so long and they finally achieve this skill . Due to this they feel very happy and gain a lot of confidence 

 What is extrinsic motivation ?
 Extrinsic motivation occur when we are motivated to perform a behavior or engage in an activity in order to earn a reward or avoid a punishment. Theirs tangible and intangible rewards .Tanagible is something you can physically touch and see for example Yaya toure works hard all season to win a trophy or medals at the end of the season. Intangible reward is a feeling a person has within them and feeling proud of themselves.This reward will occur if yaya toure feels hes improved dramatically.

What are examples of extrinsic motivation 

An example for extrinsic motivation is participating in a sport in order to win awards, For example in yay tours position he's playing to win the Barclays premier league and other trophies.

Is your athlete intrinsically or extrinsically motivated and how might this impact their sports performance (positively and negativity ) (remember to use real life examples to support your answers )
Looking at Yaya toures  interviews  is see he's not motivated by money  but instead by the pursuit of a
long term technical role at Manchester city.Due to this he is motivated to work harder at his team until his contract ends 

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